About #DOYL

Our aim is to promote the activity of YL's on the air. It was Carine F5ISY who first came up with the idea of an event and a contest that would encourage and empower more women to get on the air and get active, by finding each other and making contacts from right across the world, all encompassed in one exciting day of activity. 

Sadly, Carine F5ISY passed away before her idea came into fruition, but other YL's from across the world decided to come together in her memory to truly make this happen on an annual basis.

The Spring/Summer event takes place in the last weekend of May, whereas the memorial event takes place in the last weekend of November to commemorate and remember the month that Carine F5ISY passed.

We are delighted that the interest for this event and contest is increasing every year and it is really encouraging to see more YL's get on the air as a result. Together, we are achieving Carine's dream and making it ours to enjoy, but, we really want to get that word out there to get more YL's enjoying this day. 

Even the OM's out there can help to make this a special day for YL's by joining in, and getting them heard. That is essentially what #DOYL is all about so if you hear or work a YL, then please get that YL on a DX cluster and use #DOYL

Are you prepared for the Day of YL's

DAY of the YL's Memorial  When: November 13,14  2021 in memory of   Carine Dubois ( F5ISY) Carine F5ISY developed this YL contest but ne...